um it’d be 10 years old and the door sticker had GM the size of a dollar bill on it! Also why the hell would I waste money on a second GM product when the first one was a hot pile of garbage?
um it’d be 10 years old and the door sticker had GM the size of a dollar bill on it! Also why the hell would I waste money on a second GM product when the first one was a hot pile of garbage?
oh sorry i can’t afford to trade in a car every 3 years
I wanted an acura because honda reliability but luxury (same reason i want a lexus). Unfortunately the current acura’s are about as exciting as a silver camry
I agree except it was a prius driver. I’m assuming they’re running about 3 brain cells while driving in an effort to keep themselves away from realizing what a dull POS vehicle they have. If that’s not the case then I still have to figure out how they’re alway so incompetent on the roadway. GET OUT OF THE FAST LANE…
this is the equivalent of being like this turd is shinier than any other turd on the ground today.
i’m not sure why? I had the equivalent of a chevy (suzuki forenza, all GM minus engine) and it fell apart by 75k miles. My 96 contour (which is a self imploding disposable car) was more reliable than that POS. Cobalts seemed to last even less than that rebadged chevy optra.
Wait people are still buying Chevy? Why?
this is my love hate with my Lancer. It has awd and eats snow for breakfast, gets 29-32 mpg (i swear if it wasn’t for ethanol i’d be getting 34 on the reg) and just drives. That said in traffic (which i deal with for my commute) the CVT is complete trash. Thus it’s the perfect long distance car but the worst stuck in…
this! My first job (non manufacturing) was in a lower income area. They have it some zone name but it worked out to being a -5% zone. My promotion led me to a +10% zone. Just by relocating I was able to make 15% more money than if I had the same job in that city even though cost of living was like a 5% increase.
only if the yuppies that own them don’t wash them ever! I’m so sick of the midwest getting crapped on about rusty vehicles. Do I drive down the road and see a heavily neglected rust bucket on the regular sure, is that even close to 50% of vehicles, no its like 1 in 50! Even my POS HS car never had rust issues and that…
1. Jerry Jones is at least employing people and spending money to do so. Goodell is just collecting an absurd check having done nadda.
How is this liberal website not completely outraged that he’s going to make 50 million dollars per year, get to play dictator over a league, have free healthcare, and probably find a way to dance around paying half his taxes? This guy is literally the person you complain about and yet you’ve spent a month bashing…
the ironic thing is most people are taking off days for the holiday regardless. So if you’re already taking the days off what does it really matter if you have it a day early.
this exactly. Sure its really nice but how much life is really left in that motor or tranny when it’s that high of mileage. even an acura would be sketchy with a price at that level and mileage that high.
Not something I did, more of something I saw. We had a snow day when I was 17 and I was over at my GFs house. First comes a jeep barreling down the street with a plow on the front, Okay, probably not the ideal plow vehicle but okay, whatever jeep man you do you. 5 minutes later another vehicle comes barreling down…
While this just sounds stupid I’d imagine the effectiveness is even less. I mean first of all how many people are really living in that state at this point anyway. It’s called flyover for a reason.
this! But if you must, Tuesday night and leave when everyone’s having dinner. Nothing clears up roads quicker than being on them while everyone’s with their families. Just because the Calendar said you needed to do it thursday doesn’t mean you couldn’t have had dinner on wed.
IDK usually when i’m buying a 20 year old car i’m expecting there to be a defect. How often do you see a car purchased, parked for 20 years in a temperature controlled room, and then sold for $4000?
eh i take it as the same noticability as household trim. If you you majorly botch it then yes everyone notices. If it’s about 90% decent you’re probably the only one noticing the flaw. I have freaking paint scraped off my bumper from an idiot driver that I haven’t had the time to fix yet and no one notices until i…