
And they can be prosecuted at the federal level. If the law makers in CA don’t want to abide by federal law then label it as treason and lock them up.

scale it back to 2010 levels, make it federal and tell CA to kick rocks! If the fed can do it with weed then they can do it with gas

Yeah i didn’t even grow up around them but this is just a leg snap waiting to happen. Racing is hard enough, and i hate to be that guy but this is so cruel it doesn’t even look laughable. 

God so much this. I would actually get it, even as an auto, if they put the dang AWD system in it. That’s the whole point of going up to luxury, so i can get AWD. 

yeah and the issue i have is they aren’t AWD. I can look past it’s age if it’s comfortable and has AWD because AWD+Vtec yo, but no instead it’s just an expensive old civic. 

The issue i have with the ILX is that it’s FWD and not AWD. argument aside on if AWD is needed, premium buyers want AWD, so they really need to make this what people want, and that’s an AWD civic.

he’s definitely not or they would have put the factory in NC or somewhere else in the south instead of the freaking Bay area to begin with. 

If i’m dead i don’t have to worry about the repair bill. 

It’s few and far between and dependent up on being in a large population to justify it’s existence. My home town (7k ppl) doesn’t have one anymore. A city nearby (60k ppl) also doesn’t have one anymore. 

Because part of buying new is to drive it into the ground versus inheriting someone else’s problems. My current car was a great deal buying used. Car before that was inheriting someone else’s problem. I won’t not buy used but i won’t only buy used either. Just depends on the value. case in point next car i might go

You and 13 people don’t and at least 118 people do, or for simple statistics, 9.9% don’t and 90% do. 

This! Or even fans of the mazda 6. The easiest justification for multiple vehicles and the options for them is if you can dump stuff from one vehicle directly into the next. since the 6 is being re-designed this gives me hope the next 6 will have AWD + the turbo, in which case it will be the car most of this website

Right! Of everyone who “claims” they do this i’ve never seen someone smart enough to actually do it because when you mention any variable to their equation it’s just met with rage lol. 

sounds like my sister refinishing their apartment when they move every 3 months and then wondering why shes broke. 

The loan makes sense, the problem is people never assume an early payoff. Same issue with not putting a down payment and saying they can put it in the market and invest but then they never do. 

can you repair a car, yes. Are they meant to? No. Cars are built with designed crumple zones so the insurance can total them out and keep the volume of used cars off the road. This isn’t some industry secret at this point, pretty much everyone’s admitted they’re built to crumple with the argument being “safety” but

Truth however there was a brand new 3 hatch in the parking ramp at work and an old 6 wagon. I can honestly say there isn’t much difference in vehicle size and it’s the reason a lot of old 6 drivers are buying 3.

The issue is having your car not melt when it rains or snows lol 

your paper wasn’t wrong per-say, it’s that they stopped trying to evolve. Merging with Kmart was going backwards not forwards. As i mentioned my hometown has a kmart and the electronic section was replaced with apartment sized washers an mattresses. It’s a complete WTF are you thinking setup. 

even 10mpg if gas jumps $1 a gallon though, is savings of 7k per year if you estimate 25 gallons per tank and 1 tank every 2 weeks.