Aaron Rieger
Now playing

I think I know who did the male vocals. I think he was explaining these same controls too.

Ahh how many coins I wasted on this game when I had to go to the laundromat with my mother.

The cynic thinks that this is basically DLC for board games. You bought the game, and they’re trying to figure out a way to charge you again for the content. I don’t believe for a second that they couldn’t devise a way to keep the reusability without physically destroying the game.

LOL? Why? It is gimmicky. There’s no need for any of this permanent stuff. Anything written could be erasable, cards could simply go into a standard discard pile, etc... It’s pretty much the definition of gimmick.

This seems pointlessly gimmicky.

I’m sure Matthew McConaughey and Christian Bale are in there somewhere.

Thanks a bunch Aaron. Hope you enjoy it the second time around! =)

You mean Obama’s FEMA department was there within 24 hours offering assistance and disbursing disaster checks, or how Obama called the Gov and said “would me showing up right now be any help” considering the strain on resources and security a presidential visit is?

All the production value in the world won’t change the fact that the Pokemon anime is not about narrative growth for the protagonist.

This looks incredibly good, but MY GOD I do not have enough time to play yet another huge, engrossing RPG. I’m still making my way through Witcher 3!

And not a SINGLE one of them had a moment of self reflection and were able to admit they were wrong and that their passion clouded their reasonable judgement.

Im sure they understand, but THQ is by far wider recognisable than Nordic is.

Pretty high word count to say fuck all. Try again Niantic, this time pretend you give a shit about your user base.