
I find it funny that people think only Trump supporters don’t wear masks, when many of them do you just believe whatever the news shows you or tells you because you’re a fool and can’t think for yourself.

These dragons are in the Titanfall games on specific maps. Only random to ppl that haven't played Titanfall games before Apex. 

Agreed 100%. Too many phone companies for this to be anti competitive. Someone’s getting paid off to protest this because the evidence for monopoly is horse shit at best and the evidence for limited competition is just as bad. Google Fi will improve as will Xfinity to offer competitive alternatives. Sprint is a dead

It’s funny the difference in tone I got elsewhere that suggest this is likely to happen. Sprint is a dead company that's not competitive and not a good value for service. This merge would make a legit 3rd company competitive and improve services. Sorry DOJ but this is far from anti competitive. We just don't have room

I’ve gone I’ve gone through two different Elite controllers. Both experienced problems with stick drift on one or both of the sticks and I’ve attempted repairs on both controllers. I was successful enough with one to be able to use it for the most part by replacing the motor pieces that sit underneath the thumbstick

It’s like developers aren’t able to deliver a rich and immersive experience anymore. Can it be that games like World of Warcraft won’t ever be topped? Anthem was supposed to be this rich narrative experience paired with smooth gameplay, gun-play, and unique enemies in beautiful settings. I wasn’t impressed with the

If you think Samuel L Jackson was the only black actor in Hollywood that exists in history, you’re not allowed to comment on this article any more lol

When did black casts not get a fair shake in Hollywood? Maybe in the mid 90s? Not sure this is a problem in 2018. To say so diminished highly-praised actors Denzel Washington, Will Smith, Morgan Freeman, Donald Glover, Forrest Whitaker, James Earl Jones, Don Cheadle, Jada Pinket Smith, Thandi Newton, Halle Berry,

I haven’t played D2 since December. Bungie is a joke studio that clearly sold out to Activision. D2 won’t be good this year at any point. I may play the next mini DLC because I was a stooge who got the season pass but unless their fall explanation is massive I will not be playing D2 at all after this spring’s

Oh look, I get to use the “fake news” phrase! The author grossly misrepresents the findings of this study and clearly didn’t read the important summaries from each author. If this reporter had, they would have realized that the study and model used were incomplete and that each author agreed that the model does not

I read the summary statements from the authors of the page. This news article lies to us all in its deduction that the tax bill was a trillion dollar lie. The authors of the economic report admit the model used does not adequately take into consideration realistic GDP growth and should have to be more accurate in the

I’m all for Star Wars becoming something a little newer, I just think The Last Jedi sold itself short with weak decisions and telling a dramatic story in ways that struggled to be interesting. In all honesty, I’d love to see Christopher Nolan tell a Star Wars story, or have JJ Abrams be more involved because both have