
Anyone catch the Homeland ad on the bus when Rachel was in her limo?

Mama Gallagher was a freak. I bet she enjoyed every second of Sheila sitting on her face…

The Emmy is named after her, she doesn't need one.

seriously, they're just gonna tease us that Ellie's gonna 'destroy those women' and then just cut away?

The biggest thing that bothered me about the episode was: If time moves slower in the pocket universe (to an extent that one second there is more than 400 years in the real universe), wouldn't that mean that by the time the doctor found the girl, and started searching for the window (which took about a good minute or

why did we come out here?

could it have been more obvious that all of Winston's scenes were shot completely separate from the rest of the episode?  So painfully obvious during the restaurant scene.


there isn't even a cabinet in here

thing is it wasn't even a good season finale, let alone a series one. what about Annie and Shirley's valedictorian thing? the rest of them are graduating in a month or so, don't they deserve some closure? The episode seems like it was one half of a two part finale that never came.

couldn't they have come up with a better title, tho?

When Annie went crazy, am I the only one who expected to see a blown up apple exploding inside her mind? There were just too many similarities between those two scenes for it not to happen. :(

-Were those really the KKK? seemed like completely different actresses (at first i thought they were that Football girlfriend club)

How did Britta know which puppet to give to whom? I thought she assumes nothing :)

What, no mention on how the voice-overs have some underlining spiritual connection to Chick's illness?

Brain damaged Karen is best Karen

what happened to the snakes in bobby's hands??!!

When Jess was saying she wants to have sex with Nick, am I the only one who thought "well, that's not gonna much fun if she can't use her jaw" ?

Yea, and it's like the 4th or 5th episode in a row where Ellie learns a lesson about their relationship. What happened to Ellie just being a bitch for that heck of it? why does there have to be some underlining emotional lesson beneath everything she does now?

This. As I was reading the review I was like 'did i miss an episode or something'? I don't remember Chick specifically saying or implying he had something terminal.