
I agree that breakup scene was some of the show's best work. it seems like the show really nails scenes that are just raw emotion, where character feel like actual humans (more examples are when Will found Terri was faking the pregnancy and Finn broke up with Quinn in his car. Man, he sure loves breaking up in cars,

I agree that breakup scene was some of the show's best work. it seems like the show really nails scenes that are just raw emotion, where character feel like actual humans (more examples are when Will found Terri was faking the pregnancy and Finn broke up with Quinn in his car. Man, he sure loves breaking up in cars,

I actually found that odd, like they had to cut away to something but didn't have any good shots to use.

I think the competition episodes work better mostly because you don't EXPECT any plots and it's one of the few parts of the show that just putting song after song after song seems to make sense and don't feel like you're missing minutes that could have been used for story because they essentially are the story.

despite their best efforts, they still left some old stories dangling. Like Tom's other daughter that that he sent away in season 4. I thought for sure when they did the 5 year jump that they'll bring her back as a teenager at some point, but they just dropped it entirely and never mentioned it again (they even

it's time to CHANG your point of view.

was the girl in the prom committee that Brittany thought was Rachel supposed to be a student? she looked liked she about 40.

you just know they're gonna find a way to mess up the body swap episode as well, why do you still have any expectations from this show? you're just setting yourself up for disappointment.

anyone else laughed when Rachel referred to Finn as an "18 year old boy"? it's like every now and again i have to remind myself they're actually supposed to be teenagers and not late-20 year olds playing make belief which is hard considering how old the cast is looking now.

she's been Tina'd for the episode.

I noticed a couple of times Dianna Agron moving her legs while in the chair. that was kinda fail. Also, during the 'hungry like a wolf' performances, there's a shot where you see Naya Rivera's stand-in sitting in the chair instead of her. ( )

truck drivers on television are always blind. think about it.

After watching the episode (more than 12 hours ago) I had a lot to say about it, but now i  realized nothing really fazed me about that episode. nothing really stuck with me, not even the so called cliffhanger. The scene that did manage to cause me to go 'huh?' long after the episode ended was the Rachel-Quinn scene

i think the most obvious problem with the episode is that they had little materiel to work with, so they dragged on a lot of the jokes until they stopped being funny. the 'joke' with Lisa's peripheral vision went on nearly 20 seconds too long  (they essentially did the same gag 4 times in a row after the setup itself

It was actually a pretty decent episode. it actually felt like there was some meat in the stories and some payoff for the conclusion.  more proof that the show works when they don't try to shoehorn every character to have something going on in the episode.

I wanted to give this show a chance, but Jennifer Coolidge completely ruined everything for me. her entire presence just irks me, i donno what it is. It's like whenever she's on screen the entire pacing of the scene falls apart, like that scene where she tells Max to drop Caroline. she just went on and on, I felt like

I'm so glad Quinn got into Yale. It's been her dream for, like, 2 weeks now.

something like this?

get ready for next week when they'll do a 1:1 replica of 'Scream'. calling it now, it's gonna be the most hated song in the episode.

Glee is the new Britta.