the rocky episode was Shakespeare compared to this travesty.
the rocky episode was Shakespeare compared to this travesty.
(too weird, didn't read)
i don't see how you can be surprised by the show going towards a more depressing and darker tone, considering that Marti Noxon is the consulting writer this season. . i mean, you could have seen it coming a mile away.
sadly, I've recognized all the scenes :|
I liked the episode. Again I would say that I think this is a season that would look better in retrospect when you're watching it continuously on a dvd or something.
Episode's editing felt all over the place. like someone else pointed out, it felt like too long has passed from the moment Finn 'outed' Santana to when…
It's true, seems like the show works best when they don't try to shoehorn (more like schue-horn) Will into the mix. But they still have this thing about wanting to give at least one line to all main characters so they can earn their paycheck or something.
also, i'm not really into musical theater, but what was so great…
"Faith has a soft moment with Wood" BEST.LINE.EVER.
my favorite part was Finn not wanting to ruin his friendship with Brittany, which was hilarious considering it was the first episode they ever talked to eachother.
there should be a drinking game for every time Quinn 'breaks down' and whines about her poor life. this episode was what… the 9th or 10th time already?
This episode only showed glee doing what it does best: changing the characters as they please to fit whatever story or idea they're trying to convey, regardless of any character or story continuity. The only reason Mercedes was extra bitchy and throwing up at the beginning was so she would be more like that character…
Ha! Burt as Wilson. Never thought about it, but it's so true!
I still think the show's biggest problem last season and apparently this one as well is bad editing. you can tell for most of the episode that there was a lot that was cut out for whatever reason, and that really what kills it, because it makes the episodes seem hollow, without any true A or B stories, just random…