PSN kingpsyz

John K., right?

Thea’s in the coffin, to make way for Red Arrow to come back, and to give Sarah someone to kill. Diggle isn’t going to be Mr. Terrific, but wouldn’t it be interesting if Curtis’ husband’s name is Michael, and Curtis took his last name when they married? Terrific needs to be way more buff than Curtis, I think. Curtis’

Is it just me or did Dig’s face mask opening looking more and more like a “T”? and every week he seems to be putting that black jacket on with more noticable flourish. I’m not saying that Dig will be Mr. Terrific. This is a double theory. Dig is going to be the one in the coffin six months from now and someone, either

Daisy Ridley's reaction is cuter than a box of puppies. She is now my fave.

Boyega’s reaction is great!

Where’s the one with Ford just drinking Scotch and shouting about how he wanted to be done with these damn films 30 years ago?

“Now do it again”

What on earth is a sweater jockey? ( I am afraid to google this, frankly.)

That feeling of accomplishment when I get to the end of the comments [so far], realize I’ve been reading BCO comments for nearly 3 hours, and still feel accomplished. I love the column every week but if I’m honest, I love the comments even more.
Group hug!!

Hermosa’s just super chill like that.
But I haven’t been there in maybe 15 years; it’s probably gone to hell by now, too. Boo.

One of these things (yours) is not like the others.

I lived in San Clemente for three years (beach community). Another world. Beautiful people. Beautiful place. The only other place/people that match that are mountain people.

it’s ‘gonabolasyphaherpacrabalaids’, and yes. She’s dead of that now. I’m Mike Graves! (Not my real name, but still, my story)

“Who is Luke Skywalker? He is supposed to be from Tatooine. Some say his father was Darth Vader. Nobody believed he was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Solo tell it, anybody could have worked for Skywalker. You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick

Oh. My. God. That last one just broke my heart.