PSN kingpsyz

Yeah we sorta have them here, but not really a thing. I don’t think we have a name for them, but they have late night infomercials on stuff like this all the time. Maybe we should set up a go fund me to send your country proper waffle irons.

Is that some kind of apple cinnamon pannini or something? It seems like Jaffles are a fitting name, janky waffles. Like nobody wanted to bother shipping a waffle iron in and just went with a ronco sandwich maker and called it a day... But no I am sure they’re delicious.

Jesus tapdancing Christ... How do you manage living on that island? Everything is trying to kill you AND waffles “aren’t a thing”?

A kitchen directed by John Woo

Wait, waitwaitwait, hold the fucking phone... “Try” waffles? As in you’re a waffle virgin too?

Like Monsters Inc.? Holy shit we just came up with the plot device for the next movie, they infiltrate food service positions to harness the crazy.

I have to say, I am a French Toast ninja. While I am a waffle man, French Toast is always a compromise I am willing to make.

I was half expecting the story teller to reach in the box, turn the sammie over and slowly put their sunglasses on while The Who just happened to start to play over the speakers, because that was my initial reaction.

Damn internet dusts

Thanks, I now never want breakfast again...

Now I know, I KNOW, we’re soul brothers in kitchen arms. Waffles are clearly superior and the ONLY choice.

This is grossly underappreciated

Lest we all forget the game looks nothing like this concept it was sold to kickstarters on... So glad I didn’t waste my dollars or hopes in this one.

Mothers in San Luis Obispo has Jager on tap...

Hangover, they were thinking hangover

You magnificent bastard

It is, and if I recall, like stupid cheap.

No like this guy thought adding it to a veggie burger made those things vegetarian...