PSN kingpsyz

I wonder if that’s her rap name, because now I totally want to hear a white trash female rapper named Crystal Methany tour with Unkle Kracker and Kid Rock.

how the fuck do you NOT eat pancakes with butter?



Git... a job at Bungie, that’s perfect

Me and my friends made it to the end of round four on the 35 and just could not finish off those damn captains. We needed a break after several hours and ended up giving in. It’s the last time I logged into Destiny :(

It made me think of all those “so there’s a chance...” guys drooling the day pigs fly or Armageddon comes.

Hey I had to use an old account because work just blocked facebook...

The internets are yours

I want to start a thrash danish death metal ska band and use that for the band name

Both me and my girlfriend will purposefully move in front of these people. They do it on city streets here in Vegas a lot too.

You already mentioned the worst offense, passing on the shoulder. You should have your car impounded if you do this and your license revoked.

I'm coming to your house to take some shit since you're associating with the miscreants here at jalop...

That's just so awesome, the only way it would be better is if it pitched a little to the sides on cornering.

I won't lie, I came...


Within a year of buying my 3G from an ATT store, a new OS came out which I couldn't take full advantage of either.

3g, not 3gs

"When iOS 6 comes out if you don't upgrade from iOS 5 99.9% of the apps on the app store will still work just fine on your phone, even your phone from 2009. Even the brand new apps released the same day as iOS 6"

How about my 3G, the reason I updated to the 4S because all my apps became unusable after iOS 5 came out and my phone wasn't 2 years old yet?