PSN kingpsyz

I still am amazed how far off track that movie went and for the life of me I still can't see why they did.

First thing that came to mind, I had it done this morning but had mother's day stuff to do with the kids

As the old FunHouse pinball would say "WE HAVE A WINNAH!"

I'm thinking hack together a super soaker and one of these "home depot" nerf guns... 60 feet... pfft

friction issues?

Indeed, I think it needs to have a human read the post any time someone hits post with kill or suicide, or any other similar key words. If they see there's a credible threat they can hit a button that will automatically put them in touch with the closest authorities to where the update was posted.

boo fucking hoo

I feel I should add, I respect your position on this. And obviously I wouldn't be able to do this now because I told the internets... That would mean I wouldn't get to see my own kid.

Well it might prevent suicides too, it's something facebook should really consider.

I can't imagine feeling bad about offing some sicko that murdered his 2 year old daughter because he was bitter his ex dumped him and he didn't get to see the kid for 2 months...

Sounds like he was bitter he didn't get to see this daughter for 3 months... Obviously you were really bummed out by that event since you killed her fucker...

Agreed, Casey you have a few fans for life now.

Too good for him, general population and his first day on the floor make sure the story runs on the TVs...

OH, it's okay fucker, I have the balls to kill you...

I can only use it once (before Lucas sues me and files an injunction)

And why blogs aren't taken seriously as journalistic efforts despite some writters bitching about how they're so much better than us pleebs...

Now writing misleading headlines is bad, but nobody needs to die over it...