PSN kingpsyz


keep in mind, cognative dissonance is one of their powers, anything is possible...

So what's the over/under on how long til Palin rolls into a teahaddist convention sitting behind the wheel?

Der it's pretty obvious... He's got Pedobear on the hood because he likes it under 18(wheels)

One would think, and would also open up the potential user base as well.

Maybe if they didn't insist on making it a Lecia and went with another lens set they could bring down the price, ensure that it can even go to market, and actually move units...

Oh well now that random internet blog poster has debunked three reputable sources as being false because of their supposed personal experience we can all rest easy knowing the truth has come to light...

Because they've never had an outage of their paid for service amirite?

iPhone5 whutwhut

Soon to be the staple in the gear bag of TMZ interns and papparazzi everywhere

I also have to add, the lead in picture...


waze is down too... But you guys, you guys... I think I have an answer here...

I just noticed those are some friggin charriot wheels... drive next to pedestrian and they might loose a leg to it...

hot shit, this might actually generate some excitement

It would blow some minds if it hit Winter 11/12, which would also solve the lagging Wii sales... Pretty much everyone that wanted a Wii, has one. Add in the $100 price drop recently and it seems to be pointing toward a Holiday launch...

simmah down broseph... not mad at ya... just sayin' is all, just sayin'

Wasn't this one of the gags from ThinkGeek's April Fools?

You had to promote the comment...