PSN kingpsyz

NOT easy to find in working condition, but being an old gamer I did get to play on one several times. So much more finesse required to play that.

don't forget kids:

yeah replace that with a 3G for me and you feel my pain... Maybe I am going with a 4G Droid...

this seems the most likely option, they know the specs on the next iPhone will kill on the vine inventory as it were so start getting leaks out now that nevermind, nothing coming out this summer proceed with your iPhone4 buy.

So you're saying I should wear socks to bed?

where do I send the check for the newsletter?

And everyone will breathlessly wait for us to annouce you can use the iPhone as a secondary touch pad, or info screen and make wild assumptions and we don't have to do shit!

Or like I said about a recent ex co-worker begging for her job back... "They not only burned their bridges here, but they set fire to the lumber yard and clear cut the forrest."

This is the same method I use, but make sure for certain sites it's unique as seen in the gawker leak. Like I would use at least one for email, one for social media, and one for banking with some variations just in case.

I found a really good method on Slate after the gawker meltdown and have used some other methods as well.

I want you to re-read that second paragraph?

It's not informative, because it's wrong...

sorry but publishing system keys, enabling piracy on their console, isn't going to endear him to Sony or any other potential employers...

But you see you forgot one huge glaring issue, Hotz has always contested that he's never touched PSN so even if by your hope that it just happened to be an existing account on a used PS3 he purchased that just happen to share an account name with someone in the same field of "work" as him he would have had to access

I don't agree, I'm cool with the tinkering. It's the AWing and posting the system keys online that brought this about.

If he defied the court order though, he just made it a criminal case. The judge could and should be inclined to charge him with contempt of court.

Defying a court order is grounds for contempt

join GAF and get your knowledge on?

So you're a cheater...

you keep saying this, yet offer no citation or proof... Shut the fuck up Donny, you're out of your element.