
I completely agree, and I’m super pissed at Greg, Tim, and Nick for throwing him under the bus like this. I’m not on twitter much, so I wasn’t aware of his joke or Greg’s incredibly spineless apology until now. As I tweeted to all of them a few minutes ago, “Best Friends” my ass.

Colin could be abrasive, but his demeanor and dry sense of humor was a big part of the dynamic that made Podcast Beyond and all of KF’s content so appealing. I love Greg, Tim, and Nick...but Colin added a needed layer of maturity and intelligence to their stuff. We need people like him, with different points of view

Here, brah, let’s blow it open:

He lost his job because his collaborators didn’t care enough about his contributions to justify defending him. He didn’t lose his job because the world is stupid.

I get it. I do. But Jesus Christ. Man loses his job over an old hat joke that has been told a million times before in a million different formats?

This world is fucking stupid now.