
I think Harmon was there to rein in Justin Roiland, because Roiland's ideas are super wacky and have little structure. He was the sole runner of the second cable episode and said it was a bad episode. Harmon having too much control of the show could spell trouble for later seasons.

I think it was worse in the Mad Max episode but yeah. The only one that's avoided it is the premiere. With the two-year wait for this season to come back, every average episode feels worse by comparison. But like shows such as Bojack and arguably the later seasons of Breaking Bad, Rick's negativity drags the show down

I'm worried this show could BoJack itself and get so needlessly dark that its main character goes beyond redemption and you're only there for the side characters; that show I'm going to stop watching because I don't want half my time spent with it to be annoyed at its intentional stagnation because "depression makes

This is gonna be super difficult for Salva not to pirate.

That's like saying Donald Duck was nazi propaganda because of the short when he made artillery for the nazis.

Much like the trans ban, its kind of bittersweet to see more moderate Trump supporters try to consolidate today's events and be behind him.

From the company who brought you The Emoji Movie!

Honestly, it's because many kids' shows are the only ones putting any effort to change things. People gravitate away from strict kiddie fare like Teen Titans Go, but the ones that appeal to everyone, like this or Steven Universe, are the best on TV.

He will now reference waffles and a strange song called "Night Begins to Shine."

Based on the top comments on many articles, no. This place has become incredibly partisan and judgmental about every issue (and I mean EVERY issue, not just political) since Univision bought it.

I always think of that scene from The Good Place when the boyfriend won't buy meat from a racist butcher, but will gladly root for a basketball team who had two players accused of domestic violence and drug addiction. Having a strict moral line will just make you forever disappointed that life will never live up to it.

It's ironic that this is happening considering that Lisa Simpson is one of comedy's most prominent feminist figures, moreso in the early years.

That's un-possible!

So is AVC going to say the show is terrible because of the misogyny, or blatantly dismiss anything related to it with funny quotes?

Surprisingly mixed response everywhere because the trailers looked terrible. Some say it's Netflix's best show, others say its worst.

So sexism is bad but racist jokes are okay?

Honestly, I thought this would be worse. When you hear about all of Hollywood's problems, this and Bill O'Reilly, while terrible, seem almost blasé. Isn't that sad?

And today, she learns the cruelest and most important lesson in business:

Well, he's just a lazy comedian who takes care of his daughters and jerks off when they're not there. He's lonely, experiences moments of artistic lucidity and is whiny.

I mean for fuck's sake, didn't Louie try to rape Pamela at some point? What can you do with a character then?