
I hate to say this as the book wasn’t really that good, but yeah; that’s kind of the point. In this era of nostalgia masturbation, the author attempted to create something new with old things. Outside of Samurai Jack and Twin Peaks, many of these continuations are attempting to do the same thing over again.

Basically something Tom Haverford would invent to buy for himself.

This site was never an unbiased one, and this feels unnecessarily cruel. People are struggling but the guy has to do his job. Just because he’s a snitch doesn’t mean he’s actively kicking disaster struck people to the curb.

I’m gonna take a guess this season involves BoJack trying to make a change in the first episode, abandoning it for the life he knows he’s miserable in, acts nice to his friends until he’s so cruel to them that they don’t want to be around them, and he does nothing to actively help his unhappiness.

I think they learned to dial it back besides the finale. The camp counselor hitting on Kate got shut down and she’s booted from fat camp quickly. Kevin gets back with his estranged ex wife in 2 episodes. The Memphis episode is the most beautiful episode of television so far this year.

This is Us is definitely flawed, but no drama has engrossed me more in the past two years. Why? It actually gives a shit about its characters. So many shows are just content with making their characters assholes. Having to hold them to be positive people with realistic problems (weight, alcoholism) is far more

How the fuck does this work on mobile? Seriously, I already hate this. I don’t want to directly reply to the author!

Since the Kinja switch is happening in 10 hours, fuck it. Here's a really mean comment.

Unfortunately I still struggle to care. It's not really that Joss is a "good guy" and more that Hollywood's bar is so low that regular immoral acts don't phase me.

Hollywood has a lot of bad shit. A guy being a cheating scumbag doesn't really make me say "goddamn I can't enjoy this anymore."

Most of the good regulars have left and have been replaced by disappointing replicants. I've been commenting here for 5 years, and this could be the final nail in the coffin. The article quality hasn't been as good, TV Club is severely restricted in its show choices now, and the Trump hate is so massive it's now

There was also a weird backlash to Bernie not getting the democratic nomination and voting for Donald to spite Hillary or even hoping he'd go against the regular government shit. Boy did they get their wish.

Wait a fucking minute

So is Kinja not coming? I thought it was supposed to be here by this week.

When he dies, his situation will forever be debated about in philosophy/ethics classes.

You picked the two that were made pre-rape. Polanski is a great artist and nobody denies that. Kubrick, Cameron and especially Hitchcock were complete dicks, but their art was incredible.

Oddly, you guys never reported that yet another person has accused him of sexual assault.

Butters could no longer filter her social media from misogynistic creeps.

"Grand central station! It's grand, and its central."

People didn't expect this series to be slow? It's a movie stretched into roughly 6 hours of content. MCU notoriously has problems with pacing outside of DareDevil season 1.