
Devin Hester just found a job opening.


“When I spoke to someone familiar with Twitter’s corporate structure, they told me that the company simply doesn’t have enough Arabic speakers on its support team to police doxxing in Saudi Arabia.”

Please stay. I’ll tip the waitress +1

They’re still out there giving tributes for a guy who is probably responsible for the deaths of himself and two others and whose BAC was just below the Mendoza line when he died.

Which is about as nebulous as it gets, since there are 50+ universities in the metro area.

So we only examine the incident from when he slapped her and nothing prior to, or what led up to that?

Tilda nailed it. If Hollywood pulls out a tired out trope—controversy. Anything else—whitewashing.

“The Economic Singularity” by Calum Chace, briefly talks about this. I get that you might be tongue-in-cheek, but it’s actually something to consider.

Pretty sure Bennett’s soul escaped him briefly too.

...the best people. Like, good people.

It’s like recycling. If you don’t do it—they fine you. If you do it—it’s free labor.

...and I think the anthem being played before games is stupid anyway...

Oh hey, look at that, another Bay Area cholo fanbase fighting at a game.

Well I guess you know what this means...

...awarding five places for five categories for four different age groups...

Take their chargers.

I don’t what’s worse—old white men or old white women. I wish hag(s) like this would just die.

Nobody is real. They are all within the mind of one person. Anything is possible.