
Asian workers are 44 percent of overall staff (way too many) but only 19 percent of senior positions (way too many). Meanwhile, white workers are 48 percent of staff (way too low) and 73 percent of senior execs (just right).

Womanguistics. Is when a manperson (mostly female) of limited mancabulary and spelling manabilities, takes man and manthrows it in front of a manword to make up a, manlike, totally manreal and manoriginal word to show off my manultimate feMANist manpeal.

...the best people. Like, good people.


One person. They are all the subconsciousness/voices of one person.

But you don’t know that, and neither do I. It’s the question I’m asking and the theory I’m going with, which in turn, gives you something to root for.

It’s like recycling. If you don’t do it—they fine you. If you do it—it’s free labor.

...and I think the anthem being played before games is stupid anyway...

Oh hey, look at that, another Bay Area cholo fanbase fighting at a game.

Watch the video with the understanding that all of Westworld occurs in the mind of one person.

Well I guess you know what this means...

Have you ever been at a relatively empty gym and you’re doing your own thing and someone else decides to workout next you? In fact, it almost certainly happens to all of us, whether we realize it or not. It’s basically the ‘Cheerio Effect’ in a non-fluid mechanics sense.

...awarding five places for five categories for four different age groups...

What selfish is you buddy?

What is real? How do you define ‘real’? If you’re talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then ‘real’ is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

More or less. As a director you commission various projects and people bid and submit their proposals, or work, or whatever. They take what they like and put their own touch on it as well.

Under the direction of Fincher.