
The Seahawks didn’t run a fade route.

Dave Chappelle could read “The Iliad” aloud and people would just laugh uncontrollably.

“Quitting on your teammates...“

My parents have been divorced for over 20 years. They met while my father was in the Air Force. My mother had a ton of hobbies while I was growing up—none of which were raising me and my younger brothers, but one was that she spent a lot of time researching things like skydiving and taking pilot lessons. While my

Does it suck being gay? (pun totally intended)

Former FAA and NOAA employee in DC now working in consulting.

Go home Wahlberg, you’re drunk!

I member!

Just on the Cape.

Most mothers just use wire hangers.

He barely got fewer votes than 2008 and 2012 (137,794 and 1,122,975; respectively).

Old people like that just won’t die.

Thomas Jefferson, sort of.

Over 62% of Brazilians are of European lineage, they are essentially the South American version of our country, so yes, the majority are in fact white.

This is Texas. Anyone that lives in Texas deserves this financial burden.

What would have to occur for a major sports championship game to go unfinished? If the Cubs/Indians game seven had lasted five days like a Cricket match, would they just abandon the game and call it a tie? What if a pack of rabid dogs attacked and infected 75% of the players on the field?

We live in a world that has walls, huuuuge walls, the best walls and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns.

Spoiler Alert: I’m banging my Aunt.

You really should have kept the last part off. It would make the bet more interesting for us.

That should be the new Rick-Roll.