Total looser!
Total looser!
+1 D’oh (in the wind)
His mom was a pretty groovy chick, and a demon in the sack.
Shut the fuck up with your headline. Two horses died in the first four races. It sucks, but oh well. The races didn’t kill them.
Leftie Loosie: Pray to Play the Gay Away
I’ve dealt with Seborrheic Dermatitis a bit and have found, for me, the following system works wonders when I take my morning showers:
Sweat Tea Vodka and water—it’s a deceiving way to get drunk.
Too cheap for HBO? Get HBO NOW, the app. It’s $14.99 a month and the first month is free. Binge to your hearts content on GoT already.
I’m not discounting the RR effect and Sansa’s plan gets derailed and we lose all the Starks in one fell swoop.
Oh look another “Comet Truther.”
I like how Ichiro changed his batting stance.
What if you could bank runs for future use in the season? Say the Twins beat the White Sox 10 to 1. The Twins can take 8 of those runs and apply them to a future game, so the score changes to 2-1 in favor of the Twins in that game. But now if the Twins lose to the Sox the next day or any other time in the season, they…
I’m just curious to hear Moss’s West Virginia accent go up against Hasselbeck’s Massachusetts one for the new segment—“Banjos and Bagpipes”
I went camping with Cook… I’m in the back of a pickup with Chris Cook and a live deer. Well, Cook, he grabs the deer by the antlers, looks at it and says, ‘I’m Chris Cook! Say it!’ Then he squeezes the deer in such a way that a sound comes out of its mouth — “chriscook!” It wasn’t exactly it, but it was pretty good…
He wears a live rattlesnake as a condom.
Did I ever tell you about the time Cook’s dad took me out to go get a drink with him? We go off looking for a bar and we can’t find one. Finally, Cook takes me into a vacant lot and says, ‘Here we are.’ Well, we sat there for a year and a half. Sure enough, someone constructed a bar around us. Well, the day they…
“He hates Mexicans! And he’s half-Mexican! And he hates irony!”
“He taught me how to love a woman — and how to scold a child.”
Dae-Ho Lee hit two out today. There’s got to be new video of Korean announcers losing their shit over that, right?