
I went camping with Cook… I’m in the back of a pickup with Chris Cook and a live deer. Well, Cook, he grabs the deer by the antlers, looks at it and says, ‘I’m Chris Cook! Say it!’ Then he squeezes the deer in such a way that a sound comes out of its mouth — “chriscook!” It wasn’t exactly it, but it was pretty good

He wears a live rattlesnake as a condom.

Did I ever tell you about the time Cook’s dad took me out to go get a drink with him? We go off looking for a bar and we can’t find one. Finally, Cook takes me into a vacant lot and says, ‘Here we are.’ Well, we sat there for a year and a half. Sure enough, someone constructed a bar around us. Well, the day they

“He hates Mexicans! And he’s half-Mexican! And he hates irony!”

“He taught me how to love a woman — and how to scold a child.”


Dae-Ho Lee hit two out today. There’s got to be new video of Korean announcers losing their shit over that, right?

It’s really great that the other guy stayed in character.

This is the most passive-aggressive post.

All these teams rejected him because of weed, now he’s going to go out there and play with a porpoise.

Now playing

Ryan Gosling dominated “The Big Short.”

The Sonics are his favorite team? I seriously doubt he was even born when Seattle moved to Oklahoma City.

“Whatever happened to Ray Finkle.”

While reliving moments of Super Bowl XIX with Montana—Marino starts to wonder, “Whatever happened to Ray Finkle?”

To be fair, this is generally accepted during a line-out in Australia.

I’m amazed that you didn’t use the phrases “having said that” or “with that said”.

Doesn’t make the headline inaccurate.

I hope there are at least 91 more of these.