
He fucked the Cubs right in the pussy.

First rule of nicknames: You can’t pick your own.

This is also a reminder that the continued explosion of the NFL’s popularity has almost everything to do with fantasy football.

I fucking hate those people. DC metro has that problem too.

I don’t think he’s funny as much he’s just a good impressionist with this tiresome shtick, but his transition from Berman to Steven A. was flawless.

What happens if they start showing murders? Or car accidents? Or suicides?!

I’m putting this all on Jay. He is the biggest douche in all of sports braodcasting.

Michigan announcers saying they’ve never been involved with a game that ended like that. Apparently they were’t working there in 2007.

The fact that you mention “high school track coach” voids your argument.

The fact that you mention “high school track coach” voids your argument.

The fumble rule should be like the rugby knock.

“Completion of the act of a catch” or whatever they call it these days, should only apply with one hand being used. Other than that, the instantaneous moment of two hands + two feet = catch.

Pretentious South-Sider, now there’s an oxymoron.

This is too good. I’m a lifelong Mariners fan and I cried during that game too, the same way I cried after Super Bowl XLVIII, which is the exact opposite way I cried and came unglued after Super Bowl XLIV.

If only they had knives it could have turned into a Michael Jackson video.

Dan Hedaya is the worst actor ever.

He could have apologized for the inappropriate comment, but he just had to put it in there one more time—in case we missed it?

Where do you put Mariano Rivera?

I count about 7 dads that became completely unhinged watching the Nae Nae Defense.

It’s bullets. Take away production of bullets. The problem will work itself out.