
What is the average time between when a guy gets to his hotel room on a business trip and when he starts jacking it?

Dude! Cheez-its are the shiz-its! Throw in some Mountain Dew and Xbox and your night is set! gets a bit dicier when we’re talking about college teams versus pro teams and stuff ...

I’ll just never understand the level of desperation and/or insecurity that someone must have in order to pay for a prostitute. I have come nowhere close to achieving the level of fame as some of these athletes that get arrested for solicitation, yet I can still have a good run for a week or two with the ubiquitous

Even Mookie Blaylock would agree that Reggie Miller’s bullshit puns are udderly obnoxious.

Reggie Miller cat puns freak meowt.

“Overly Confident Gay Man” is Ace Ventura. Seriously, so much of the dialogue, delivery, and mannerisms were injected into Ace.

“Overly Confident Gay Man” is Ace Ventura.

“There they go, doing that dance again.”

While everybody is tooting their racist horn, let’s not forget these same folks over at Gawker have a site called Jezebel—a notorious staple of minstrel blackface.

I don’t see what the big deal is—Robert Downey, Jr. was nominated for an Oscar playing an Australian in blackface in the jungle.

That’s not possible. He’s Canadian. He would never get Grade-A consumption approval.

You forgot to add the following:

You realize having a ball landing in your cup and subsequently drinking the beer is nothing new right? This has been going on in college since the days of yore. It’s usually a ping pong ball, an egg, or some object to denote that you must finish your drink.

How hard is it really to live up to expectations? Griffey,Jr. hit a homerun in his first at bat. This guy is a fluke.

Should’ve got the live chicken...

Does anyone know if they are filming all the movies concurrently?

Don't get cocky.

While in college, I got jailed for speeding, 32 in a 25, in Iowa. I was in for seven days, but I was able to get work/school release. Probably didn’t help that I had been drinking. But come on!