
I agree that he was her meal ticket, but I don't believe for one minute she lives in fear of being with him. His drunk ass, smacked her upside her drunk head, and she gets knocked out on the railing. Now that there is a video out, he is the worst man in the world, when what he did pales in comparison to the MMA

There is more to their fucked up relationship than one drunken night in a casino. She still married him after the fact.

I can't wait until Sunday so I can enjoy my Pro-Life Pizza, texting my hegemonic state supporting Army brother, while watching football with the girlfriend. She's a Browns' fan, so she's already abusing herself.

Really puts being a Cubs fan into perspective.

Slight edit.

Relax Team USA, they're not there to play Rugby, you can still flop without actually being touched.

It was very easy for Verlander reps to dispute their client being present in these photos, because nobody is looking at "Verlander".

Even after reading this, I still haven't seen pictures of Justin Verlander's butt.

That guy sounds like a cunt, fucking it up for the rest of us.

Or he's just like a Senator/Congressman opposed to gay rights, that turns out to be gay.

Of all people that should chill out and take a hit. This guy,

I think he was thrown-off (pun intended) by the muscle roll around his waist.

The Gap Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

The studio ruined it. He no longer accepts being a part of it.

It's probably the same scout that originally scouted Montero, and because of his poor judgement in talent, he's now scouting in Low-A.

It was probably a Neapolitan Ice Cream Sandwich. Nobody wants that.

Another arbitrary stat (which is the only one that matters): Russell Wilson needs 10 wins to pass Marino for most regular season wins in first 3 years. Just win...

Anything with a light saber.

Is this another one of those stupid Hopper commercials?

Too high brow. Head hurt.