
I know how thermodynamics works. I was just clarifying the issue of where the "plugged in" got their energy. Sustainable or not.

Weren't the humans fed the remains of other humans? I think Morpheus briefly explains that part.

If you're keeping track at home, this is the same high school Tom Brady went to.

Now playing

I imagine this is how Steve Ballmer and Chris Hansen are acting...

Now playing

I imagine this is how Steve Ballmer and Chris Hansen are acting...

More input!

Ginn: "Batman's no-kill policy is pretty non-negotiable, whether he's driving or not."

I never learned how to properly type on a keyboard without looking at it on occasion. I am now going to attempt to remove my blue eyes. I can no longer live in a world where I am viewed as inferior due to my blue eyes and stunning masculine features...okk I GOt onw of thwm out lwt's sww howq it wqorks gwtting thw


Which do sea creatures prefer? Bottle or can? Does one make for a better reef over the other?

I think it's time Jack Zduriencik got a little credit for sticking with the young guys on that team. I know it's early in the season, but Mariners' games might just be watchable this year, and perhaps Felix gets some actual run support during his outings.

Tibianest, these jokes are starting to Ware thin.