
The Seattle Seahawks approve of this pill.

The drug companies these days...they’re winning in the drug-naming game! Adzenys! I almost sounds like a candy for kids. Take your Adzenys Jamie so you’ll act less zany!

Still, my favorite new drug name has to be Zohydro. You know Zohydro- the hydrocodone pill that isn’t cut with acetaminophen and has no abuse

Warning: the following take is hot; very hot.

The Adams Family ended

He was just trying to get the Warriors disqualified so they could keep their championship. WOOOOOO

Deporting people doesn’t stop illegal immigration. People cross into the U.S. because there are jobs. I’ve spoken with CBP agents who served on the southern border, and they all admit the fastest way to solve the problem is to fine and/or arrest business owners who hire illegals. But that doesn’t soothe the mob.

Ehhhhh go fuck yourself.

He’s an election away from having his stubby little fingers on the nuclear launch codes. Sounds pretty important to me.

Israel’s policies have nothing to do with Judaism as a religion... that’s conflation as stupid as any other bigoted view.

See, another thing Hitler and Trump had in common was plenty of people saying “He doesn’t really mean it”.

Then perhaps you and Hillary’s other supporters should be looking for a way to bring Bernie’s supporters into the fold as opposed to telling them to fuck off.

Hillary Clinton represents a problem that nobody in DC will even acknowledge, much less move to reform. Donald Trump represents a clusterfuck of epic proportions and almost everyone acknowledges it..

Was it in bad taste? Yes. Do we need to shock people into waking up and realizing that this kind of rhetoric isn’t ok and leads to horrific action? Also yes.

This is a pretty silly take. Its a primary and she hasn’t even clinched it yet. At the very best you should be crying about this AFTER she clinches the necessary amount of delegates, not before.

It’s funny that you think Bernie Sanders is destroying the Democratic Party and that Hillary Clinton—who has taken tens of millions from special interests, who was made personally wealthy by lucrative Wall Street speaking fees, who has the strong support of the primary forces fighting fracking regulation in Colorado

How exactly is he hurting her and helping Trump?

Your party hurt itself by pretending Hillary is a Democrat.

Really disheartening to see so many comments along the lines of “well, let’s wait and see, this sounds fishy.” What happened to believing victims? This is a 17-year-old, a child, who was raped and trafficked. I’m choosing to believe the victim. (And equally, it’s depressing that Republicans will try to use this to

I don’t deny it, but which of these two things happens more often: (i) male acts as “pimp” for a female; or (ii) cointelpro conspiracy to undermine a moderately prominent member of a social movement (and I use “prominent really lightly here since most of us had never heard of this guy until this article, he’s not

“The fact that the girl is white makes me suspect the latter.”