
Then you should be supporting Bernie. If Hillary gets the nomination, I’m blaming you for Trump’s eventual win.

Oh, Obama told us what to do? Fortunately I’m no longer in the military, so I can ignore that one.

I decided to vote Hillary because I don’t want you to blame me if she loses.

Oh no, shindean is going to blame Bernie supporters. That should get their attention.

Maybe we would all be better off if his detractors knew what they were talking about. Looking at you Fats.

Was the final diagnosis Super Surly with a side of Crotchety?

I never could have imagined it until Trump. Now I suppose, the sky’s the limit.

Not sure what you consider “vast”, but the numbers I see are 30% or so of people in the US have been arrested by age 23. Perhaps you live in Bubblesville, NJ.

I’m super dense and I understood you just fine

You are sounding dumber with each post

Uh, nope. Twinkies, nope. Beef jerky, nope.

Ears were explained in Vanity Fair. They didn’t read that article, so they’re unsure where the ears are located.

Doofiescmirtz is making these estimates.

I’m guessing that they already have a database of their drivers. I’m also guessing that they can add a field or two to it. My last guess is that this would cost them approximately jack shit.

Seems to be converting Howard to Washington. Good edit job however.

Your auto correct is all messed up.

St. Loosers

You must lead a very sheltered life. Or maybe you’re just dumb. Your comments “imply a lot” about yourself.

Don’t buy this book at his garage sale

How many Gawker writers were alive when there was much support for visiting Iraq?