
Surely, he kids.

Except the show doesn’t treat it that way. It acts like the idea of civilizations “evolving past” religion as some kind of universal law.

I mentioned the Krill in my post.

It’s a mashup of TNG’s “Who Watches the Watchers” and Voyager’s “Blink of an Eye” (which was actually a rip off of the book Dragon’s Egg), with a little bit of DS9's “Meridian” thrown in.

I’d say the show more resembled Enterprise. That crew was also incompetent and ill prepared, but the writers always manipulated the story in ways so that they were right all along even when they did really dumb stuff. Whereas Orville will often times admit that the crew are screw ups.

I think Orville is failing in a similar way to Discovery, just in different areas. They’re both trying to capture certain aspects of previous Trek shows but failing to actually move forward.

The funny thing is that Timm immediately put the Killing Joke fiasco on Brian Azzarello.

And he clearly didn’t put much effort into that.

Settle the lawsuit with George Miller, greenlight another Mad Max film, and let him do his Justice League to kick off a rebooted universe.

Bruce Timm doesn’t care anymore. He shows no enthusiasm for DC animation. He doesn’t seem to be doing what he really wants to do.

Yeah, they really undermined the message of the movie with that dumb Ares fight. Either Ares shouldn’t have existed at all and that man was the cause of war or Diana should have defeated Ares by choosing the path of peace because Ares is empowered by violence and war.

Paul Dini was the one who wrote the Batman Beyond episode that established the idea of Batman and Batgirl having had a failed romantic relationship.

Well that’s simply the way they talk here. Nobody pays any attention to you unless you swear every other word.

Piss off, Force Ghost!

They really want to stretch this story arc out aren’t they? But it was an interesting creative decision to begin the show 700 years before Batman is even born.

Alabama Republicans did a lot of soul searching with Roy Moore. But in the end, they were willing to open their hearts and forgive him for dating outside the family.

That only makes them more fuhrerous.

Of course Pence is following god’s plan, especially this part in Revelations 13:5

What would be pessimistic about Captain Kirk going back in time to vaporize Hitler’s face?

I guess we’re going to find out what the feet of every Trek race looks like.