Kali’s gang look like they’re about to be hunted down by Robocop, after they get infiltrated by Keanu Reeves, only to be brutally murdered by the Terminator when they refuse to give it their clothes.
Kali’s gang look like they’re about to be hunted down by Robocop, after they get infiltrated by Keanu Reeves, only to be brutally murdered by the Terminator when they refuse to give it their clothes.
The Justice League animated series is still the adaptation that addressed those themes the best.
Building a Cult of El would be the kind of plan Glorious Godfrey uses to tempt Superman into turning evil.
They really shouldn’t have stayed in that warehouse to interrogate Jace. They could have had Blink teleport them to another location to buy them more time.
In a couple of decades, Billy will be hunting down Wolverine’s cloned daughter.
If Ash is Voq, he wouldn’t just sell the ship to any Klingon since most Klingons are aligned with Kol. He would get the ship to L’Rell.
“We haven’t had time to get used to a Burnham and Tyler romance; it could work, but shoving their feelings for each other into the center of a story like this is awkward as hell.”
And even though they can hack the social network to insert false information, they couldn’t just change the votes.
Lou Dobbs daubs lube for Trump interview.
Despite all the talk about Logan deconstructing superheroes and comic book movies, in the end, Laura was literally saved by her faith in comic books. So it would be interesting if they took her movie in a direction you wouldn’t expect and have her emulate the idealized version of the X-Men in the comics and trying to…
Bill O’Reilly goes in, sexual harassment suit comes out. Never a miscommunication. You can’t explain that.
Joey’s codename should be “Foundry.”
I think the show has a problem with explaining things it shouldn’t and not explaining things it should.
OK, I see what’s going on now. Michael’s finger snap gave it away. This secretly a Star Trek show and they’re all trapped in the Q Continuum being pranked by a bunch of bored omnipotent beings.
Restaurants do this all the time. If you’ve ever gone out for dim sum at a fancy restaurant, they probably bought it from smaller restaurants that specialize in take out and fast food.
Now the Zodiac Killer has no choice but to reveal himself in order to distance himself from Ted Cruz.
They probably put it in so people would complain about that rather than the gay couple.
It was a bit out of place when he said, “That’ll fucking do, pig” in Babe.
Esper and galactic barrier giving people super psychic powers is also a fundamental principle of the Trek universe and no one has tried to give themselves godlike powers by traveling to the edge of the galaxy.