
It was just a terrible investment in the first place. Selling clothes at Nordstrom? What was Ivanka thinking? It's too bad she didn't inherit her father's business genius and made some truly wise investments, like selling steaks at the Sharper Image.

Not too many things would have happened on DS9 but it would have been interesting to see how the Alpha Quadrant dealt with the aftermath of the war and the huge shift in balance of power.

Next time they hire you to work on the DCEU, don't go to it. The Bat is dead. Bury it. Consider this mercy.

Kellyanne is just trying to help Ivanka. If Ivanka doesn't meet her quotas, Trump will give her a spanking.

Since the movie is about "mankind’s unquenchable thirst for knowledge and scientific advancement" leading to its doom, I assume it won't use any CGI, visual effects, computer composed music, digital equipment, or any technology created as a result of scientific advancement, and will be shot using a wooden box with a

It's great, if you only use 10% of your brain while watching it.

It's interesting how the flashbacks seem to be set in a different decade than the present. His sister was dressed like she was in the 60's. The decor in the mental hospital also seem like they're from the 60's. They also didn't seem to have tablets or computers. Although I think there were some flat screen TV's.

Roger Ailes?

Now that his buddy Trump is in office, he should be getting confirmation of all these conspiracy theories soon. Unless… the lizard people have gotten to Trump and now one of their human flesh pod slaves is wearing his skin!

Even the name sounds like an ethnic slur.

While the DCEU can't even leave the Batcave.

I had no idea that the professional asshole job market was so strong.

It's an easy mistake to make, what with so many killers in America and all the carnage.

It's more like eight things, at least.

People were probably too busy killing to watch the interview. You know how many killers there are in America.

What are you talking about? Trump said that America is exceptional at killing people.

Oh Dr. Phil, his desire to help people is as genuine as his counseling certification.

That's not a Thessalhydra, it's clearly Ityak-Ortheel, the Elf Eater.

"How do you think you did in the interview, Mr. Trump?"
"Killed it."

When there's stranger things in your neighborhood. Who you gonna call?