
I find myself using Netflix for TV shows, the movie selection seems to be dwindling.

I predict their whole iPad thing goes right out the window within the first month of school...Besides reading a few documents, possibly a few text books....iPads will become more burdensome than teachers/students are willing to put up with.

Paypal? WTF? I'm surprised to this day that anyone trusts a website with their bank accounts...

I have a vague idea of what Google Voice is, but I have no idea what this porting feature is supposed to do.

Love the Oatmeal!

I've never used a gps. I just pull out my iphone and pull up google maps..

Not seeing an ethernet port? Is it hiding or is there really no ethernet port on this luxury netbook? Looks like an excellent lightweight tool and if it boots like the iPad that would rock but I have to have an ethernet port...

The Matrix trilogy is one of my all time favorites. By of if not THE best scifi movies ever made.

@OgilvyTheAstronomer: True and now that Apple is cornering the hardware market it will be even harder for other's to compete.

Problem is that the iPad2 will cost $500 will have a nicer screen and have similar specs as the Xoom or better.

Hell I'd be happy to get 3G.....or reliable 3G for that matter.....4G is a freakin pipe dream imo....there's what like 2 cities in the US that have experimental 4G yet we have 100 phones that are capable of 4G out already??? Boy these phones co's are milking this from all sides!

One of the monitors could be your HDTV?? Now you have the interwebs on your tubes! I can see a niche market for this. I'm guessing the card comes with a bunch of wireless adapters for the displays or are they a separate thing you'd have to buy?

Only Apple would change a functional orientation switch into a non-functional mute switch to make it aesthetically pleasing...

Like when people use the mouse to click individual fields instead of just hitting the F'ing TAB key!

I'd switch just so I can get 3G coverage on my iphone4! Everyones clamoring for 4G and hell I'd be happy with 3G!

Changed personal bar to the Bookmarks Bar and now it's below the address bar?? Just installed it Win7 and now bookmarks bar is under the address bar AND its a funky color...! Went to customize and it wont let me move it. Bookmarks bar completely unusable now...

Android now has screenflicking!? Cool!...

Used Opera for years, by far my favorite and glad to see it's still very competitive.

SPFXMasks new sales pitch - "On the no-fly list? Short on cash? No Problem! CAll SPFXMasks now!"