
Shit like this is what keeps the world interesting.

Demand a manager as soon as they pickup, usually you can get someone with half a brain.

After the Alien sequels I thought this 'series' was dead. A prequel would be the way to go but pg13 is stupid. Fox has their heads up their ass if they think this will be better toned down for the masses. The masses wont see it anyway. Make it a good adult R scifi flick and maybe generate some new fans??

I thought we'd see more action less soap opera sub plots....couldnt make it through the whole hour I felt nauseated. I was hoping Amanda died but nope! Her character is so freakin annoying. I really wanted to like this show.

These niche shows do well on the web but not sure how they'll do after syfy gets the mits on them....Couple episodes a year makes me lose interest in stuff like this. Season 1.0..1.5...2.0...2.5 zomg!

5th Element was an original scifi flick. Had a decent story and was well directed. I'm open to more original work from Besson.

I wonder if I could do this in my po dunk town.

I've been assimilated... apple has its hooks in me. I have most of my music in itunes because its so damn easy.

I've thought about living this life for years. My wife and I almost did this when we were first married.

@Celtic1888: Here here for toilets! I couldnt handle squatin and poopin 3 times a day in an alley way or gutter..

Much rather see those wind whistling humming things in the ocean than outside my window.

They realized spending money to make a 2D movie into a shitty 3D version wasn't cost effective.

What's the name of that cute little apple like dock in that picture?

Screw that! I'm not putting electronic devices in my pants so they can draw heat and charge from my body....kaboom!

I haven't seen flight attendants that hot in a long time.

Problem with M$ is the same problem IBM had. Pride! They think hardware companies should be coming to them buying their products and begging them for their software.

When the box arrived at my house yesterday I was like wtf is this, this can't be the ATV its too small....It was and it is much smaller than I imagined from the pictures. It's like a freakin iPhone without a screen.

@iPolak: "way ahead..." wtf? Are you from the future?? Google doesnt have one device on the market yet here in 2010..

No need to run apps directly on the ATV. It's just for output. Run apps from an iPad or iPhone use Airplay to dump them to the ATV then interact with them from your iPad or iPhone. This will be interesting! Can't wait to see apps that can do this come November.

Master bedroom right next to the living room is a bad idea. Kid's watching TV late at night will keep you awake.