
@scottlandk: The new Symantec anti-virus got rid of most of the bloat that McAfee still has.

They do this with all Area 51 cubicles...

I dig the virtual world stuff, they ought to make the virtual world part of every show.

I have a BB so I email mostly. I send maybe 10 or less texts a day. Now my daughter probably around 5k month....glad I got the unlimited plan.

When two police officers have your friend on the ground and are arresting him there's nothing you can do. Walk around the corner and make your phone calls. Don't stand there and be their next victim.

Apple needs to become a streaming competitor to NetFlix to make iTV work.

"He would negotiate with the developers to get a discount deal on their apps."

These kinds of things are hard for me to believe....Survey's, polls and statistics are biased data gathering. It's disgusting the way they're passed off as truth.

I've never understood the time people waste downloading this low quality crap.

Can't believe anything anymore. Research has gone the way of the dodo. I'm sticking to my own little weird world of truth. No longer will I believe anything I read, see or hear! We really are living in virtual reality! Where's NEO!?

A lot of Google fanboys around here... I for one agree with this article. The young anti-privacy crowd may not care about their privacy and net neutrality issues. But some of us sure as hell do. Call like you see it I say.

My PS3 plays bluray/dvd movies and that's about it....Once in a great while I'll play a game. This way I dont have to worry about updating very much...

Can always use it to beat off the muggers.....Or for the limp wrist-ed they'd use it to beat you down.

@JakeMG: Ω Man: These Cheetos ads are F'ing annoying... I will not be buying Cheetos out of spite because of these ads. ?

Why companies allow one guy to have all the passwords and access is beyond me...

I can feel the a-hole laser beams from non-iphone users eyes burning into my skull when I sit down with my iPhone 4 and start tapping out a message or playing a game.

We don't know that the FCC would do any better than the free markets.

The end of the best corporate phones in the world eh?