
Didn't the scene where the Doctor reveals how much time he spent in the Confession Dial conveys this "appreciation" ? Clara is completely overwhelmed by this revelation, and it's some of Coleman's best acting ; it then turns into rage against the Gallifreyans who let him suffer for such a long time.

I kind of get where you're coming from but I also think Clara litterally becoming another Doctor is such a satisfying and triumphant ending for her character, and her arc had been leading to that for such a long time so it's not as if it had been pulled out of nowhere.
I know it made me personnally a lot happier than

I've had enough too ! When will television shows start treating their male characters correctly, damnit !

Maybe by Black Mirror's standards, but I don't think of it as an outright "happy" ending.

I really like season 5, except for Fred's death. It felt incrediblyemanipulative to me, and although I loved the character it didn't do much to me.

I'm sorry but Buffy's season 5 is the actual best season. I will defend it to my gruesome, painful death.

I will say it without any shame : Cersei is my favorite thing about the show. Yes, she is completely fucked up, yes, she is a villain, but unlike, say, Ramsay, Jeoffrey or Walder Fray, she's not cartoonishly evil : she is complex and you get to see how she became this person. I feel for her, and even though tonight's

Well actually the Faith was completely obliterated. Did you watch the episode right ?

This is too much. I refuse to believe this isn't a troll.

To be honest, I'm not sure what is Julia's mindset and what she wanted to do. She's playing in the middle, not firmly aligning with one camp. Maybe she thought the idols would be flushed too ? I don't know.

I agree. Women need a lot of blood to flow through to their baby centers, which leaves less to the brain, you see?

Well, Aubry and Cydney's move clearly wasn't as bad as some people think. They were clearly betting on both idols getting played. Instead of hoping they were not the ones voted out, they decided to vote Debbie, an unreliable ally, ensuring that they were not going out. It didn't work out, since they decided not to

Okay, since I'm French and I followed both the show and the tragedy pretty closely, I have to say that this is not the cause of death. The contestant died on Day 1 of the game of a heart failure due of a preexisting condition that had not been detected by the medical staff (or else he wouldn't have participated in the

I'm from France, and the only reason I'm paying for Netflix is the international content - because the local one is, frankly, terrible.
Can't wait for the new ways people will find to bypass the new restrictions.

I don't care if the first act in Gallifrey dragged a bit. The Clara/Doctor interactions

Luzon truly was one of the most entertaining tribe in Survivor's history.

Don't forget Tasha has been in the same tribe as J'tia AND Kass. She has experience.

Well, I for one am so very happy. It's been two years since River's last appearance, and I really thought the character was done, but Kingston is such a great actress. It's been a long enough time to make River feel fresh again, and her interactions with Capaldi have a lot of potential. Bring it on !

I went through the comments because I wanted to say the exact same thing ! I just want to hug her everytime she appears on my screen.

The Body is one of the most beautiful, haunting episodes I have even seen. It is so well written, but I can't bear to watch it again. It's a testament to the quality of the show and its characters. Everything felt so real.