I’m just going to write this hoping that it somehow makes its way to the ears of Rian/Disney/Everyone involved:
I’m just going to write this hoping that it somehow makes its way to the ears of Rian/Disney/Everyone involved:
I look at this and I just can’t stop seeing Ted Mosby.
The dog analogy is probably the greatest way I’ve ever seen this idea explained.
I think Kit Fisto had a green one, but I’m not sure if he ever had a yellow saber in hand. And, if memory serves me right, Plo Koon is the other one with a Yellow Lightsaber. Though I might be wrong.
Can confirm, I squealed at this.
Not even focusing on the “oversexualization” issue for a second, the new cover is just heaps better than the original. Design-wise.
The Merida-looking elf might be the Brave Archer from Hearthstone.
I thought the exact same thing about Doctor Fate. Given his character, perhaps he’ll be introduced at a later time in maybe a grander scale?
Well... looks like I’m playing MTG again.
I love Pardee’s work. And I THINK I see one of the guys from Bad Taste. So, this is already a win in my book.
Kamala’s face, though. Broke my heart.
If Alleria is even mentioned I will throw money at the screen. Same with Gromm.
Gimme Thrall and/or Arthas and I will be there opening day.
Hell, I’ll camp outside.
That said, while this movie definitely feels like a setup, and the Orcs out-act the humans by miles, it was fun. There were a bunch of nice easter eggs (seeing a certain creature near a lake made me jump in my seat). Editing and Pacing…
Can confirm. I squealed.
This scares me a bit. I’m incredibly excited about this movie. I know that the source material (Especially books like Rise of The Horde) can lend themselves to be an incredible adaptation. And I have no doubts that Duncan Jones/Blizzard might do fantastic work on this film.
But the promotional material is not doing the…
“I feel peculiar”.
I’m so incredibly excited for Warcraft. But honestly, the trailers and promotional materials have been doing it such a disservice. They are approaching it from more of a Michael Bay Turtles angle rather than a Fantasy angle. Aaaaaand it scares me. I really. really. really want this to be good.
You have no idea how much I want to see the Annihilation wave on-screen. I love Annihilus as a character, but since the Annihilation storyline crosses over with Galactus, the Skrulls, etc. I’m sure other studios* would put a stop to it.
* - Fox owns Galactus and Skrulls, right?
YES. She’s absolutely perfect.
Someone get WB on the phone. I demand that they cancel all future DCCU movies and just give us this. A trilogy of this.