
Hadn’t seen “Meth Damon” before. I’ve been a fan of “Fat Damon” these past years.

“Now You’re A Man” - DVDA, Orgazmo

every song in that movie is gold. 

black swan, the wrestler, requiem for a dream -- 3 of my favorite movies!

mother had me until that scene where j law bones that dude and instantly, and dramatically, says into the camera “i’m pregnant” - i actually yelped “LOL” in the theater and the movie devolved from there into utter crap for me. 

i know darren aronfsky isn’t involved, but this is another climate change movie with Jennifer Lawrence, hence the comparison.

hopefully this will be better than mother(!) which was a cataclysmic disaster of a movie.

AIG was the only company that would insure my house because we have a pitbull. it was a bitter pill to swallow.

what else could obama have done? that’s a serious question. and the malfeasance that caused 2008 was done under dubya’s ‘deregulate everything’ fiscal policy, so to pin it on obama is pretty weak. particularly when you factor in he adopted two wildly unpopular and costly war fronts. 

Goldman and their counterparts definitely fucked up with their greed, but technically nothing they did was illegal. What AIG and the ratings houses did should have been illegal because it was criminally stupid. any level of due diligence would have exposed the sub prime loans for what they were and how blind they were

I don’t know if i fully agree with that. When Clinton left office, we had a big surplus and the economy was doing pretty well despite the dot com bubble. When Obama left office, the stock market was rising and unemployment was declining. Both of them were succeeded by republican dickfarts.

i dunno, pigs tend to chew... i’d say he eats more like a duck”

like Mr. Hands?

sadly, there is no cure for true stupidity.

can we ask alexa who did Portia Di Rossi’s plastic surgery so we can have their license stripped? what they did to her is criminal. 

am i alone in thinking that this was one hell of a “fuck you” at trump? J Lo busting out the Puerto Rican flag and seemingly 60% of it being sung in spanish was excellent.

it looks like they stretch armstrong’d her face. where’d her nose go??

yeah, TST is actually kind of cool. haha. their headquarters in Salem, MA is definitely worth checking out if you’re in the area. Lots of cool displays and historical items.

so, do i have to pay $100?

church of satan is mostly just for horny people who are selfish by nature. satanic temple is lot more my speed when it comes to trolling, with a much more progressive charter, so to speak.