Reminder: a few years back they were talking about doing another one, and they (i believe it was Bam) said it would be called “Jackass 4: We’re Not Dunn Yet”
Reminder: a few years back they were talking about doing another one, and they (i believe it was Bam) said it would be called “Jackass 4: We’re Not Dunn Yet”
mantzoukas is great, even if every time i see him its a variation on his rafi character from the league.
these movies work for a number of reason:
i think studios are hesitant to risk a “troll’s toll to get the boy’s hole” in the post weinstein world.
so, everyone who participated in the making of this movie was paid exclusive with cocaine and psychedelics, right? there is no other plausible explanation for why this was made other than hard drugs.
hey, the ball bearing scene left a mark as well. lol.
i feel like i like goldeneye less because of the movie and more because of the nintendo 64 game.
i don’t know about the rest of you, but i tend to avoid movies that feature terrorism and/or bombings while i’m on a plane. haha.
agreed on Richard Jewell. Like, i distinctly remember the olympic bombing and the aftermath of it all... but its not a subject that i’d ever go to a movie theater to see. i’ll definitely watch it some snowy day when i’m out of other stuff to watch on netflix, but to your point - it should have just been a documentary.…
a dump truck full of cash is hard for people to turn down, so i don’t blame him.
lol, that invisible car car scene is embarrassingly bad. i recall liking die another day when i saw it in the theater, but i think that mostly had to do with my major halle berry crush at the time. i would have liked a movie with her reading the phone book.
I’ll take a goofy Bond played by a fossil over an overwrought, overly serious Bond played by a guy i’ll always confuse with Mr. Sheffield from the nanny.
I’ll nominate that the Dalton Bonds are the bottom of the barrel.
QoS has issues, but at least it is well acted. Spectre was just a mess and DC seemed to phone most of it in.
give it a rinse, pop some penicillin, and go to town?
just going to go out on a limb and say that receiving an unboxed sex toy as a gift is a good way to catch a communicable disease.
he should have retired after his role in The Jackal. his last scene in that was really the enjoyable thing he’s been in.