

Give it up you losers, what is this like strike 8?

Remember when Spicer said the MSM would freak out if Dump ordered Russian dressing on his salad?

“unbelievable job on the murdering”

I had a bad experience with shrooms once where I thought I may need to go to the hospital. Cold sweats, stuff coming out of both ends. It wasn’t good.


Haha razors!

Russia I hope you’re listening....

Just heard this on CNN as well.

Fuck off!

It’s a witch hunt!

Wasn’t this a Megadeth video?

“No, no thank you, next course”

I like to think Dump was all stoked he had this firing in his back pocket the whole time. His perfect plan.

Well all these assholes wanted someone with no experience that was gunna shake up Washington.

Putin is a piece of shit! Why Dump cares so much about Russia is beyond me.

“I have the best Generals, believe me folks”

Dump is fucking toast!!!

And this asshole wonders why the whole “Russia thing” won’t go away.

TayTay needs someone to take pictures in the surf with this summer