Looks like Melania was smart not to pack up her shit and move to D.C.
Looks like Melania was smart not to pack up her shit and move to D.C.
And that he asked Comey to consider putting reporters in jail for publishing leaks.
Love that movie!
Dump better hope we don’t hear the “tapes”
I just read through a bunch of those comments. Good times!
I don’t understand why the Republicans don’t just say fuck this dude and end him? I’m sure they are worried about there gigs. I think they are all bastards, but I think people would have more trust and respect in them if they did that then the shit they are going to have to own up to with Dump in charge.
Is this how you architect your life?
“in which he implied that the White House has secret “tapes” of their private meeting”
Might as well just take a big pile of money and light it on fire. You would get the same answer.
He likes extra cream with his cream
That swing looks like shit!
Yeah, that’s the reason.
I said the same thing to my Wife this morning.
Trump is a pussy!
This all day!
“While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation”
Me either
Member when you thought doing shit at prom was going to be a determining factor on the outcome of the rest of your life.
Should we all stop and celebrate when we’re not even half way done with a job?