KingKellogg the Waffle Haggler

Article title: "Xbox One disc drive issues reported by small number of users.

Considering its less then 1% of people who had a PS4 problem and this is likely the same it still shows bias even if two different people wrote each article. The PS4 article title clearly makes it sound much worse then it actually is, where as this title makes it sounds like both should have been reported as, issues

I miss the days when consoles had no moving parts. Fewer moving parts = fewer hardware issues.

For consistency this should be re-titled, "XBO 'Disc Grind of Death' Has No Clear Fix Yet"

=O I demand you change your profile picture back!

You mustn't be old enough to remember just how badly the shoe was on the other foot last gen. Microsoft took EVERY opportunity to lambast Sony at EVERY turn, to the point where it ended up looking like a playground bully picking on a weaker kid.

Finally! Another person who's tired of seeing Disney crossed with fucking EVERYTHING.

None of them look remotely like FF characters. They aren't even done in the same style as any of the FF characters.

No1 reason I stopped visiting, a site that's gathering funny stuff:

Every day there was a post like this, "What if disney princesses were..."

No, they are not and that's the way it's good. Disney princesses better remain what they are and not interfere with other universes.

You are wrong on that one. Multiplayer is the only thing you have to pay for and that is premium games such as Battlefield or COD.

I was under the assumption that the canon-status of Portable Ops was undetermined.

i kinda want to see a new story with new protagonist continuing after MGS4

I believe Green made it abundantly clear why Squirtle's the best.

I always picked him cos it seemed to me like he had the best strength weakness exploits, just nice to see my theory backed up with "science" :)


No surprise there. Squirtle was always the best.


His squirt will be the squirt that pierces the heavens!

Squirtle master race!