Im behind on bleach so I might be a bit out of touch with it,and it did go way down hill since the second arc..and his women are terribly wrote,but it does have a few good things,like some character designs are good while others suck.
Im behind on bleach so I might be a bit out of touch with it,and it did go way down hill since the second arc..and his women are terribly wrote,but it does have a few good things,like some character designs are good while others suck.
The story is just meh,the concept was descent but its all about execution,and I dont like how oda writes
Oh deat,dont bring up narutos filler....I dont like nightmares
Not a fan of either but Naruto and Bleach are Better then Op,and I could go on for hours about the problems those two have,but in comparison they are better,and thats more then just from an aesthetic view.
I watched well over 100 episodes,and I can honestly say I hate the series with a passion.While DragonBall isn't great by todays standards back then it was fresh and new.One peice is just reused gags with characters I dont like,with a story that could be interesting if handled by a different writer.
Op has terrible characters and a boring story,and the art is Horrible!!
1.253.288 ??
Yeah,he needs to quit playin Idol master and get an assistant.
Op has terrible art,it is in no way impressive.
Wait he works that much and his art isn't very good?...And neither is the writing?What the heck is he doing?
it is and isnt an mo though
Fantastic art but Seeing them I didnt even think Halo,which is bad.
Same here,though I do like the occasional random murder fest game.In all reality I would much rather be someone like Squall from FF8 or Tidus from X
DX Noooooo!!!
DX eeeewwww
Id prefer more characters like drake and the ff ones,while good looking arent super sexualized.
Ezio and drake are what Woman tend to like,while guys like to be super awesome ridiculous action heros.Or so it seems.
Looks at final fantasy...What was that?Looks at all other Jrpgs...
It's beautiful.