KingKellogg the Waffle Haggler

Can I buy Kotakus old code?

That's all opinion,alot of people think the DShock is the best and most comfortable controller out there.

Lust! and she married Mustang XD

Id like if the punishment was more severe.

I didn't either :\

Man that movie was TERRIBLE

Cans? for thegoat blood?

Blame square,they are the reason versus is done :\

Yeah every 13 article is just covered in versus comments,people want versus .After 13 no one really wanted a sequal,it had an ending but for some reason square insisted....and now 6 years later no versus but 3,13 games.....

Same here...... -_-......

If its free to play it will be a race SHADOW FLAREEE!!!

It amazes me that you just assume I am a christian,why is that?Because you perceive me as wrong?Or because I am actually against bigoted ignorance that so many perpetuate just as you do.Oh just so you know,I am agnostic.

That comment is extremely ignorant and bigoted in its self.

In many of his comments he pretends to be a bible thumping ignorant christian(if you click the link in the article there are tons of them)

Hey you!!!

I fail to see how I am a troll,if this were a christian man going about and doing this to homosexuals then we'd be seeing many people flipping out.But being that ignorant little people like you find it ok to doing horrible crap like this not many are rising in its defense.Many of you people are truly ignorant.

I too like frogs. feel free to join!!

Calling yourself a comedian doesn't excuse what he did/does.