KingKellogg the Waffle Haggler


Get off my lawn

This isnt the sick freak who licks cats is it?

Why did it need to include stuff from that new muppet "movie"....eew

Love the owl

Were talking famous people,no one cares about their privacy,not even you D:

Doesnt say Star wars to me :\

Well it will improve,so give it time.

All true,and OUtfoxies was there before smashbros ;D

They have some pretty good ones actually

My main problem with the game is having to use supers to kill people,thats just dumb!

Do you not understand beta?

I want a cross over

Some of it did sound like "Smash bros is beetah!!"type fanboyism,like how he attacked pretty much everything that isnt exactly the same.

Only other sites I use are gematsu and kotaku,you should stop by Takuchat and comment some time :D

I went to,theres quite a few of us there(50+ registered)

The video was removed. you get in there and start commenting :D

Depends on the week