Absolutely not, for AAA games youre getting an inferior experience for the cost of portability, see 540p switcher
Absolutely not, for AAA games youre getting an inferior experience for the cost of portability, see 540p switcher
You’re forgetting about Bandai Namcos moba Supernova
No it wasn’t, Dragon Ball Super was a worthy sequel to DBZ
Freemium mobile games are not the premium ones.
It’s like Microsoft don’t want the Xbox One to have a nice variety of games.
Just play Banner Saga
I’m playing Chaos Ring’s 3 on Android. It’s made by the dev’s who made wild arms and it shows. Quality jrpg, really enjoying it.
“by making a stupid simple game with pre-made assets. “
Man, it’s better to game on Smartphones than the Vita. At least smartphones get more quality games and quality ports than the same ole niche as hell jrpgs vita gets.
“Bethesda’s open-world games do things with AI and population that other games don’t even attempt, and the result is a world that feels more vibrant and alive.”