King Hyperion

Either change your life or potentially be killed by the abuser you keep going home to. Please tell me which one of the two gives you a better chance at survival?

The link you provided is nothing but pure excuses for people who are afraid to make everlasting changes in their life.

It really is that simple.

What a fucking cop-out. ESPN should be ashamed of of making this man cut his own balls off on TV.

...And BOOM goes the dynamite!

Listen, the fact that he's trying to get in your pants makes me uncomfortable. It's not that I don't trust you, it's about how I'm feeling about his behavior and not about anything you're doing. It's just an awkward situation that leaves me feeling a little jealous."

Yeah, a $500 device that allows me to watch TV on my TV is exactly what I need.

PS4 is still the better value. It's more powerful, PS Plus is cheaper and has been giving free games on the PS4 since day one. Games for Gold has yet to give anything to the XB1 and is $10 more expensive than PS Plus.

Other peoples opinion of you is none of your business.

Face the reality: Not every person you meet is going to dig you. Once you come to grips with that reality you will understand.

I know exactly how you feel because over a year ago I was in the same place you are now.

Part of perceiving oneself as a catch is to move on without any regret or being butt-hurt when rejection comes (I failed to mention that in my post). It's a numbers game. Some women are going to like you and some are not.

and boom goes the dynamite.

This statement is somewhat flawed (not bashing you in anyway).

Ok let me take a crack at this and I'm going to be honest here. I'm not here to to blow sunshine up your ass...

Oh I have my flaws as well and I work on them everyday. Fixing your flaws isn't like flicking on a light switch. Everything in life is a process. You simply have to put yourself in the process of fixing that flaw and working on it everyday consistently.

Rule of thumb from the guys POV is to keep asking her questions. Getting a woman to talk and keeping her talking is the best way to open her up to you emotionally, which in turn she will feel safe around you. By you asking her questions and getting her to talk shows her that you are really interested in who she is. At

His character was my favorite thing about the movie. He was badass.

Spot on. You must be the is way at all times in every situation in your life (job, friends, family, etc).

I got it from the villain in the movie Immortals played by Mickey Rourke.