King Henry VIII

I have a hard time understanding how a skit explicitly calling Kelly out for his behavior could be considered at the expense of his victims. I don’t recall people saying that about Hannibal Buress. I see how people who are victims of assault or activists might not want to hear any jokes at all related to the subject,

Now playing

counter point... Everyone seems to forget the other R. Kelly skit.

I think the sketch also alerted a lot of people who didn’t know about any of the fucked up shit R Kelly was into. I remember explaining to people that there was literally a video on the internet of R Kelly peeing on an underage girl with a Space Jam mural in the background.

No, I remember Chappelle and Brennan’s writing in the sketch exactly the way he explained it. Dave’s joking intro and outro was kinda like, “ None of us can believe Kelly is so flagrant yet hasn’t been caught up!”

I get that people digest content differently based on a million different factors. I get that victims and those close to them (rightly) can’t tolerate jokes about this shit, but... I can’t be the only person who remembers how critical that skit was of Kelly.

Wait, just because he doesn’t think microtransactions in one game are bad, he is totally biased towards all microtransactions? I know he has said before that microtransactions are a problem in the industry, just that he doesn’t feel these are that bad or predatory. He’s allowed to have opinions on things and thinking

Could EA screw up the Star Wars license any more than they already have? For such a massive company with such a huge property at their disposal, they are just shooting themselves in the foot again and again.

I just hate that he generates so much vitriol from the wrong kind of people such that any criticism of him gets conflated with pretty hateful comments from the gamergate types.

I dislike Pitchford because of his bullshit with Aliens Colonial Marines and the fact that he basically saw nothing wrong with the product

The headline and first paragraph could make it seem that she was apologizing for being attacked, which isn’t the case. The reason for the apology was the time honored reason of “causing trouble” to the company.

That’s a distinction without a difference.

This is absolutely stomach-turning. Any time someone tells me “rape culture” doesn’t exist (and yes, I know, “well, actually” brigade, she wasn’t raped in this instance), I point to shit like this; a woman can be assaulted—in the US, Japan, or anywhere else—and the onus inevitably comes back to her, even if her

Is Life in Aggro gone? I know it wasn’t *particularly* popular, but I did enjoy the in-jokes and the nice art.

too bad! this was my favorite regular Kotaku column :(

Oh my god. This immediately brought to mind the scene in Kill Bill where the hospital attendant had been assaulting her while she was in her coma and just jesus fucking christ. This poor woman.

Or... Chubby Rain...

That’s not how the DMCA works but okay.

A few hundred thou to secure irrevocable and ironclad rights to your legacy

Yes, Richie and Ford could have purchased it back from Stardock.

You know, I might agree with you if Brad Wardell hadn’t offered to sell them back all the rights, clear cut, no contest and at cost, when Stardock picked up all of Atari’s IP

Nah. Screw Wardell.