King Henry VIII

You are clearly overlooking the additional benefit that once this becomes operationalized, situations where children become trapped in caves will be a thing of the past. Every human will have their own tunnel navigating Tesla and our bright future as mole people can really begin. 

God I love people dunking on Musk.

Baldur’s Gate was my first sincere attempt at investing myself in D&D, and so I had no idea what I was doing. The advertisements bragged you could “Cast spells like Cone of Cold!” So I went with the mage. Three steps out of Candlekeep, and a pack of gibberlings massacred me in prompt order. My jaw hit the floor.

So, to review....the Pete Davidson history of abuse that disqualifies him from concern is...?

This is the shittiest fucking take possible.

As someone who suffers from BPD so has some insight I suggest you do some research before you start flapping your gums about something you know nothing about

let’s keep in mind that applying logic to to the actions of those who suffer from serious mental illness issues is fucking stupid.

Honestly I’d rather have the split back. I kinda miss having the “casual” normal mode and a separate Hardcore mode. It lets both kinds of players enjoy the game regardless, and keeps things like this from even being a thing.

Can’t speak for everyone, but I don’t like long TTK when using semi-auto weapons with limited mag cap. I also don’t like the feeling of emptying a third of a mag of automatic fire into someone just to kill them.

Brands don’t create things, people do. Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky are two of the original creators of Fallout, which they made while working at Interplay. They’re both now at Obsidian and leading development on The Outer Worlds.

Considering I saw some demo footage of Beyond Good and Evil 2 the other day and had a panic attack at the scope they’re going for, hearing this is like getting wrapped in a security blanket.

Well given how empty a lot of New Vegas itself was and the more self-contained DLCs felt far richer this doesn’t sound like a negative.

Just like cities size doesn’t matter density matters. If something is big and empty it just waists your time. If something is small and packed every minute is exciting.  Furthermore, I am becoming a big fan of compartmentalized RPGs as long as the areas are big enough to get lost a bit in it should be good.  The fact

This is good to know in advance. I’m actually more excited now knowing that. I have way too many 60+ hour RPGs on my backlog, so a tight-knit, properly written narrative experience by Obsidian sounds great for the future.

“I’m sorry that one of your parents is me.”

Tell them to make sure they have strong reading comprehension because it will be helpful in all aspects of life.

Don’t blame the people who find stuff. I totally want to know if someone posted something stupid or offensive, and I want to know if they still feel the same way. 

They didn’t have to dig that much, he’s been VERY vocal about his feeling about gay men. Those quotes above are just the tip of the iceberg. Or trash pile

Dude is using an MLK quote to make himself feel better about being an asshole and getting justifiably kicked around for refusing to apologize? As if that’s what MLK intended when he said that quote. Boy, bye. 

The ‘trained liars’ bit caught my ear, she’s clearly listening to white nationalist, Jordan Peterson, Tucker Carlson, hateful propaganda.