I quite like the dancing. Psy seems quite capable and the choreographer knows how to make his atypical build loot astounding.
I quite like the dancing. Psy seems quite capable and the choreographer knows how to make his atypical build loot astounding.
every time i see a psy video i can’t take my eyes off of it. Yeah the songs are catchy, but the videos are so weird and colorful. They are also so littered with crazy camera movement, jump cuts, and match cuts that you feel like if you stop watching for a single frame, you might miss something. Well played Psy.
I was wondering whether to post this on Tay, so thanks!
People have been able to discern difference between 50 and 60 fps, which was why we had the difference in NTSC vs PAL format ages ago. Stop it with your pseudoscience, millennials.
The fallacies in that first sentence tickled me...
Science! This not why people want high frame rates in video games. A high frame-rate will trigger a faster response from input action to reaction on screen. Which is why high framerates only matter for highly reactive games like shooters and action games. Some people are very sensitive to the time from pushing a…
Nah, this isn’t like the bullshit audio purists like to dole out about their million dollar sound system with their own line directly from the power company.
60fps is a real thing. Stop lying to people.
It’s good to know that the name Harry Potter will forever live on in a book.
VIP defense/escort missions are generally some of the most rage hemorrhoid inducing in all of the medium.
one thing that I despise in video games is escort missions where you can’t heal the VIP.
I find it pretty neat seeing those struggles dealt with in real-time, so I’m okay with that. I obviously hope, for her sake, that it happens quickly and smoothly, but I’m a big believer into artists letting their emotions seep into their art.
British hooligan assaults younger brother of respected Ukranian politician.
I suppose it’s all about rankings and such, but if he actually showed up I don’t see why he doesn’t just try his best with what he has at his disposal. Could still do pretty well and walk away with a bit o’ cash.
With that NFL money, he can even afford to buy all the dlc.
“... but let’s not lose perspective.”
Agreed. Next thing you know, you’ll forget that Obama is no longer in public office, that Trump is President, and that worrying about Obama’s speech fee should be, like, item 1078 on the list of things to face head on right now.
I mean, it’d be crazy if people lost so much…
Man, so much undeserved hatred.
The Gamecube is in my opinion the best console design ever.
This isn’t censorship, this is one guy trying to defend a bad joke that has no basis in the original text. It even says outright that the original name is a pun on light switches. What in the hell do light switches have to do with a radicalized Christian terrorist group?