... which means that most people will either have to A) get a new controller, B) get an extension cord, or C) dangle an HDMI cable across their living rooms, risking danger to their significant others, pets, and Roombas.
... which means that most people will either have to A) get a new controller, B) get an extension cord, or C) dangle an HDMI cable across their living rooms, risking danger to their significant others, pets, and Roombas.
Well she is the 1%, so...
I liked the first game, I have replayed that one the most.
First, I’m all for blast-off adventures where we’re the chosen one saving the universe.
That’s one of the metagenres of video games. You play a role. Your role is special. Beyond that, two direct modes are to either subvert that (anti-hero, you don’t know for a long time that you’re special, you’re not special in the way you thought) or play it straight really well.
Even if the trailer looks really nice overall. My first thought seeing it was “Really? Another chosen hero story?”
I 100% support this. This is an awesome interview about a side of gaming we don’t really read much about. It’s always about the famous streamers, the billion dollar companies, and the odd game design autures that overshadow the rest of the dev team.
Could be!
I love the hell out of this. People get too wound up thinking their day to day is boring, and that there is nothing significant about all of the little things that add up in our lives.
It’s nice to see the follow up to that conversation. Maybe this can become a regular section? “The average gamer”.
It’s still after all this time my go to movie for some RPG writing inspiration. I went to see it in the cinema, got out, turned around bought another ticket and went back in; twice.
And yeah I nearly cried when I saw what time has done to poor Herger, I mean I’m lesbian but damn that was one handsome northman. Though…
It’s maaade fram hooney!
I don’t. He couldn’t possibly have known that it was a dragon; instead he did his best to spit in the face of fate and his enemies, like any true son/daughter of Skyrim.
I explained this in another response to you—your disingenuous attempt to create a false equivalency rings hollow for a number of reasons.
The singleplayer campaign makes no effort to make light of the war—in fact, it goes out of its way to convey the scale, gravity, and horror of the conflict in human terms. Players…
The point is not that “they are not talking about real WW I” (go-go middle school syntax). The point is that one of the most horrific periods in human history is being used as a springboard for mockery.
This would not be functionally dissimilar from making a “Humpty Dumpty” joke about the WTC—the only reason you’re…
I wouldn’t say that WWII is treated like it was fun, but the culture surrounding the Second World War is much different than the First. WWI was a disasterous dominoe effect and was much greater in scale and destructiveness than anything that had come before it. It was impersonal, nationalistic, mechanical, and…
I liked that mystery though. And I liked having that mystery over other players as well. It made the Titans much more dangerous...
That was my first head scratcher when I hopped into multiplayer yesterday... You know what your dealing with the moment you see it but i think not knowing exactly what your going to get when fighting another pilot is part of the fun to me. Does this dick have mines? Is he going to lure me in only to switch to the…
They removed customizable Titan loadouts? Why? They were just fine in the first game, removing them doesn’t make any sense.