I love Skyrim. Skyrim isn’t half the game Morrowind is. Playing Morrowind is like watching Star Wars for the first time. Over and over again. /opinionthatistotallyfact.
I love Skyrim. Skyrim isn’t half the game Morrowind is. Playing Morrowind is like watching Star Wars for the first time. Over and over again. /opinionthatistotallyfact.
Don’t aim or pressure yourself for kills, aim for the win and support your team. Killing is secondary to the objective in BF.
Then you are doing it right! K/D is the biggest bane to the Battlefield franchise. People obsess over that like in other shooters, but the objective based game modes mean you can play medic, constantly capture points and revive, and end up with a .2 K/D and be top 10 on the leaderboard.
It has been 9 years since I deployed to Iraq. I spent 15 months there doing convoy recovery. Since I got back I’ve dealt with at times crippling PTSD, and about three years ago my therapist recommended I try playing a more realistic war game, as it apparently helps many people (though honestly I don’t know how). At…
Such a fantastic game. If you’re wondering why people were willing to give Silicon Knights an endless pass despite making nothing of note for most of the aughts*, play this game.
Not contradictory at all as your position seems to assume all actions have the same weight.
That’s pretty cool!
I love me a good video game UI and this looks genuinely great. Much prefer clean and concise to cluttered and confusing.
Tolerance of it in entertainment, is not the same as tolerance in society in general.
You can kinda judge the event organisers, because it’s dumb.
We’ve continued to reach out to Ubisoft and Bethesda for comment over the years regardless of their positions vis a vis our site. and had asked for comments about The Division before. Recently I heard from Ubisoft that they’d be amenable to doing interviews again, so we talked and I told them that I’ve been wanting to…
What? Slow start sure but the 3DS is amazing.
By far, by far, the most exciting thing about the Switch is that Nintendo will be putting all, or at least the vast majority, of their resources towards one system. No splitting things up like Wii/DS or whatever. The Mario people make a Switch game, the Fire Emblem people make a Switch game, the Pikmin people make a…
What in the fucking actual Hells!
“We were simply saying ‘This belongs elsewhere,’ like if you posted about classical music in /r/gaming,”
Limmy is the best.
Sleeping Dogs was a fantastically fun game, I was hoping they’d give us another open-world kung fu game.
It’s becoming more and more apparent that buying a console is a collosal waste of money. I can play 9 of those games on PC and with the option of a controller and sitting on the couch. I think this is officially the last console gen for me. I guess I always say that though and end up buying all consoles like an idiot.